
Hugo (2011) - M6.9/E6

One reason I was looking forward to seeing this film was the fact that there was quite a bipolar response to it.  Uncle Orson nay-said it, while other notable critics found it entertaining.  These types of responses are usually fairer to read beforehand, as they don't tend to bias one's opinion, therefore providing a more genuine response.  Though Card does have a negative review of the film, his points are well-made and I even agree with most of them, but still found a way to enjoy the movie overall.

In short, Card summarizes, "So the movie we were promised -- Hugo the orphan repairs a mechanical man to receive a message from his father -- turns into a movie we would never have paid to see: sad old forgotten movie director gets a round of applause."

The one character I actually hated and cringed at every time he came on screen was Sacha Baron Cohen playing a crippled policeman.  I probably won't choose to watch the movie again solely for him, though the fact that the movie was very slow might  also be cause enough.

The style of the movie reminded me a lot of Finding Neverland, and you might enjoy this film if you enjoyed Finding Neverland.  The music and scenery are amazing, and the story not terribly deep, but endearing.

We're shown the importance of family and the fruits of hard work as we see Hugo lose his father and then take us with him on his quest to remain connected to his father.  We also see him work tirelessly (without pay) to keep the clocks running in the train station, which keeps him out of more trouble than he already gets into, and allows him to stay a little closer to his deceased father.   Through Hugo's courage and intellect, he brings hope to a man who's dreams had been crushed and in turn gains the friendship and love for which he'd been longing.

Watch it if you're in the mood for something easy going, but I wouldn't recommend buying it; go for RedBox or you check it out from your local library.

1 comment:

  1. This WAS a great film, and I loved the intricate Train Station cinematography (I do agree that Cohen is a bit over the top for a movie like this however). I wouldn't go to Redbox for this though, as I get a much better deal with my Blockbuster @ home package. The library is pretty cool but, as is the case with Redbox, it's usually all picked-through by the time I get off of work. With Dish and BB I get access to over 100,000 titles, either by-mail or streaming live! Dish also gave me an extra 20 HD movie channels to supplement my regular lineup. Best part, you ask? I'm getting it Free for 3 months. A Dish coworker showed me how to use it, and after I heard it was cheaper than NF or RB I signed right up. This is perfect for movie buffs.
