
Live Free or Die Hard

There isn't much inspiration that came from this film.  It did show Bruce Willis's character's humility to recognize the fact that someone less buff and tough, and younger and nerdier can actually be worth trusting.  (Similarly when the kung-fu lady attacks Willis, he underestimates her strength because he's bigger and a male.  He gets very lucky, because he seemed pretty close to losing.)  Good and evil were pretty clear-cut and not confusing.
Some of the messages you could extrapolate could be:

  • If we try harder to not label people and look more to love and trust them (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit) we will be blessed.

  • We never know if someone we love will be taken away, don't waste any time employing negative sentiments towards your family or friends, live every minute as if it were the last.

There seem to be quite a few of these types of movies (particularly action and comedy flicks) that don't seem to have a lot of moral value.  They are meant to be pure entertainment, eye-candy, a good laugh, etc.  I understand that it's nice just to sit back and have a fun thrill-ride and a nice laugh and relax you mind.  But, because these films aren't morally uplifting, they don't inspire us to do good; are they a waste of our time?

It seems I'm constantly reminded that our spirits are very much like trees, and if they are not growing, they are dying.  I'd like to hear your analysis, you can take a look at some of our other movies we've rated a 2 and see what type of films I'm referring to.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I enjoy the movies that I can pull moral messages from. The movies that really cause me to think, and a give me a desire develop my talents, are the movies that I love!! For one, Finding Neverland is one movie that I absolutely adore. Every time I see it there is so much more I want to do in life.
    Honestly the question you posed is one I think about a lot.
